Friday, June 21, 2013


One of my favorite things to do is to walk around campus, enjoying the idea that I am walking the same paths as my dad and mom, my brothers, my son and daughter.  I can almost make myself believe that it is 60 years ago and I can almost feel the presence of those long ago students. Until I see a girl with pink hair on a lilac bike with fuchsia tires and I realize that, without a doubt, I am in 2013.

Sunday, June 16, 2013


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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Lost things.

Last night I went to our local high school's commencement. My son and daughter were both playing in the band and I went mainly because I didn't have enough gas to make the trip home and back but partly because I love hearing the band. And this is likely the last time I'll hear either one of them in the band because neither one of them will be in it next year. 

As I leaned against the fence listening to the English teacher announcing the names of the graduates, listening to the applause from the moms and dads and aunts and uncles and grandparents as the class of 2013 was officially graduated, my heart started to break a little bit.

I've always scorned those women who defined themselves by their children. But that was way back when I was juggling the responsibilities of a teenage daughter, a tween son, toddler twins and an infant son and I felt like I would never find me again.  I'll admit it freely, my life now revolves around my kids. I don't like it when I don't hear from my oldest daughter EVERY day at least once, I don't like it that my oldest son doesn't text me every day and when I ask him what he's been up to, he just says 'stuff'.  I don't like it when my three younger kids aren't home. 

My kids' graduations are not a joyous occasion for me.  When my oldest graduated, I thought I was dealing with postpartum depression from the birth of my youngest but when my next oldest graduated and I was in mourning for a week.......I realized that it was graduation and the marking of the end of their childhood, the end of our family as a 'team', that from then on, they could choose - or not- to include me in their day-to-day activities. 

So I started riding horses - lessons that I can't afford but I know that two years from now, when it is two of kids walking across the stage to receive their diplomas and enter the adult world, I had better have some kind of diversion. Something new and exciting to occupy my time.  Because it is true - you need to rock your babies 'cause babies don't keep.  They really don't. And neither do tweens or teenagers. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Have you ever seen such beautiful blue eyes?

Grey kitty's sister....or brother....
Tipper, Max, and Tucker - solving the problems of the world.
 I love being home at my little farm.  Even when my mouth feels as if I had been hit with a sledgehammer.  I love hanging with my family, my animals, my trees and my plants. It sickens me when the world intrudes on my little corner of the universe. In the way of gossip.  I've never really understood the purpose of gossip.  It has no value to me.  To talk about someone just because it is interesting, I don't get it.  Why spend precious breath telling stories about someone who will only be hurt if they knew they were being discussed? Why share negative information about someone at all? Especially if you don't know that it is true?  I really hope I've taught my kids that humans were given the gift of language to do good.  Not to hurt. Not to entertain.

Sebastian taking a swim in the creek.
This world can be a really unfriendly place sometimes. When words get thrown with the intention to hurt, I am quick to scurry back to my farm. Where I am safe. And happy.

Another cold day.

It is another cold day here in central PA and I'm not complaining. Just a few flurries but definitely cold enough to kill the fleas and ...