One thing I’ve learned during the first half of my
life is that anger – unexpressed, kept inside, never spoken,never allowed to burn off
–is useless. All that it does is make the person holding the anger
miserable. It usually doesn’t bother the person to whom the anger is
directed in the least. Unless, of course, that person is your mother (not my mother - just to clarify).
screw up. Good people screw up, bad people screw up. It’s
inevitable. Most humans don’t get a redo of their life. So the ‘right
things’ done when one is in their 20’s, may have been the worst things to
do in retrospect. That saying ‘Today is the first day of the rest of
your life’? Well, it is true. One can decide to be miserable and hang
on to old grudges – which will never change what has been, what is, or
what will be. Or one can decide to begin a new day. Simply. There is
nothing wrong with feeling bad or wishing that life had unfolded a
little differently. When we view other’s choices through our own lens,
we have the privilege of seeing the whole picture which is decidedly
different than the view at the time.