Anyone who knows me knows that I love fall. I love the colors of autumn, I love the cooler temperatures - fall is perfect for me as it is for a lot of people. Yesterday we had snow. Not much snow - just enough that you could see it falling. This isn't early for snow - I remember several years ago, I think it was 2010 or 11, that on October 12th, we had enough snow that it covered the ground. But yesterday the air smelled like snow - that styrofoamy scent that reminds me of the little church my uncle would put in the front yard of his funeral home/house every Christmas, but also of snow in general. Yesterday was clearly winter. This morning was chilly and I had to let the car warm up a bit before my daughter and I set off for campus. But it was sunny and happy outside! By late afternoon, it was warm enough that I unzipped my mid-weight coat.
So today was a special treat - I'm just simple like that. I am choosing to be happy in hopes that it rubs off on someone else. Maybe it will have a snowball effect - kind of like that old shampoo commercial - I'm nice to someone, and they are nice to someone and so on and so on and so on. Maybe if we all did that, if we all looked beyond ourselves, maybe we could have an impact on this crazy old world because nothing else seems to be working.
Decide to have a happy day and share it with someone else.