Tuesday, September 6, 2011

And they're off.

The first day of school: first day of high school for my daughters and first day of junior high school for my son.  The summer flew by and that our family calendar that hangs on the door had fallen open to the month of June with the last day of school marked in big letters simply confirms that fact. 

The kids were excited to see old friends, to show off new clothes, to experience new classes even though Jordan and Ikey had actually started the school year in August with band and soccer.  And despite the fact that Haley really had her heart set on going to a prep school this year, she seemed to be excited as well. 

How can it be that they are so eager for time to pass and I only wish that time would stand still?  They are racing to accomplish, to do, to go on and I would give anything just to be able to hold back and savor these minutes for a little while. 

So on their first day back to school, they will spend the day nervously looking for classrooms and catching up with their old friends.  And on their first day at school, I will stay home, can tomatoes, remember my babies, shed a few tears, and think about all for which I have to be thankful.

Happy School Day. Take your time, kids.  Enjoy.

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Another cold day.

It is another cold day here in central PA and I'm not complaining. Just a few flurries but definitely cold enough to kill the fleas and ...