According to our weather person, we are in store for a short return to summer. Blah. I want fall to stay. I can't express how nice it is to not sweat a river walking to work or not being a sticky mess by the end of the day simply from existing. I love fall - not only because of the colors, the coolness, the return to soups, and the wearing of sweatshirts - but because to me, it signals the start of the new year. More so than January 1st. I would imagine this is true of anyone who has ever had kids. But the falling of leaves, the freezing of the earth makes me think of a colossal cleanse that will set the stage for spring and flowers and sunshine and heat to start all over again. This time of year is perfect for me. I am tired. I am always tired this time of year and I'm ready to rest. It's a good thing that it is dark when I get home from work. It's a signal that after the chickens and goats are tended to, it is time for me to go back into the house and just rest. That time of day - the gloaming - is perfect for reading or for grabbing a quilt in the hoop and spending time handquilting which is something that it is simply too hot to do other times of the year.

So I don't want to return to summer just yet. Ask me again in about six months and I'm sure my answer will be different and I will be begging not to see winter again for a while.
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