Doesn't this picture on the right look like a painting? It is photo I took on my camera - this is a footbridge in a little park in Spartensburg. Mom and I walked on it after our dinner that night. Below is one of the Halloween wallhangings I made recently.
Now that I've made up my mind to enjoy my empty nest, I'm getting a lot of things done. I am making one of the bedrooms in the house into a sewing room. I refused to move my sewing machine into it until the room is cleaned and painted. Hopefully my cleaning frenzy will keep going until I get the rest of the house done. I'm just so easily distracted when I try to clean that I never really get anything done. I've started setting a time for 15 minutes and working in the room for 15 minutes each night. That seems to work for me - so I'm very happy about that.
But distractions are what I need right now. I'm so bone-tired of all the hate - mostly politic-based. I'm tired of one side generalizing the other. I'm tired of it all - I can only hope that everyone comes out and votes. We need change, we need someone we can look up to as our president. I realize that no president is going to perfect for all people but hopefully we can do a little better for the next 4 years.
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