Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Happy 4th!

 I spent this 4th of July with my dogs, cats, chickens, ducks, pony, and goat. It was so incredibly hot and humid - nearly unbearable! Thank goodness for a cool creek, a covered deck, and lots of fans!

These days I'm feeling quite restless - like most other people I suppose. I've lost much of the faith I've found over the past few years. I don't really like how I feel right now but I know that these feelings will pass.

June was a month of crazy, crazy news: good news, enlightening news, scary news. . . . .  There has been so much change this year already that I'm not ready to deal with more.  I want things to be stable for a little while. 

It's important that I keep myself grounded at times like this and it is getting harder and harder to do.  I'm happy enough but I'm feeling a shift in things. I need to keep in mind that I have many things to hold on to and there is really no need for me to be scared or nervous. 

Until I feel as if I'm on solid ground, I know that I have my family - both human and animal.

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Another cold day.

It is another cold day here in central PA and I'm not complaining. Just a few flurries but definitely cold enough to kill the fleas and ...