Thursday, September 3, 2020

It is Thursday.

 I love this photo.  Just a simple picture of an annoying rooster standing in front of the basement.  He's a poser but he's harmless.  This is unlike some of the beautiful barred rock hens that I dearly love but who peck my feet if I'm not quick enough with the feed (those little peckers!).  This year we purchased chicks from TSC because all of our hens are wayyyyyyy beyond the age of egg-laying.  Usually TSC is really good in separating their chicks into breeds but not our TSC this year!  So we bought a few hodge-podge chicks.  One of them looks like some bizarre crossbreed of Silkie and barred rock, complete with feathery feet - or claws - depending on how you look at them.  2 are clearly barred rocks which are beautiful black/grey speckled. 2 turned out to be some odd kind of mini-chick that lay super small eggs.  And then we have the 2 brown ducks.  

They are a family and I love that they are.  The ducks are clearly a couple and they waddle around the yard side-by-side with the chickens following close behind.  They jump in the little pond together, drink from the goat's water together, have breakfast together, and then finally, make their way to the coop so that they can all sleep together.

In the midst of all the hate of the world, I love watching all these different little beings live together in peace.  

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Another cold day.

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