Wednesday, December 8, 2021

A Miracle.

From May 2021:

My daughter has a bloodclot in her brain. As I am writing this, there is a new medication flowing through her body that is slowly dissolving the clot and preventing her from having a stroke. This medication is resolving a problem that was caused by another medication. 

So where is the miracle? My daughter is alive and laughing and living and being my daughter. The miracle is that her bloodclot - a 3 or 4 in a million occurrence - was discovered by a doctor in a podunk little town hospital. The doctor treating her recognized it for what it was, started treatment immediately, and then shipped her out to a larger hospital with more sophisticated equipment. The miracle is that instead of planning a funeral for my child, I am planning for her trip home to attend her brother's wedding in a couple weeks. God had his hand in this. There are too many coincidences for this not to be divine intervention. 

6 months later - my daughter is off the blood thinners and continues to do well.  She is as feisty as ever.  

I never posted this because it revealed too much and hurt too much.  It also seemed rather selfish for me to post because not all people have been blessed in the same way. That said, this Christmas I will be a little more reflective, a little more grateful. I'm going to not worry about whether there are gifts or if there's  enough cookies, or enough any thing else. I've got so much to be thankful for! I am blessed. Every day.

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