Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What a farmer!

I had scheduled a vacation day to attend my son's field day at school - a day during which the kids can participate in all sorts of track and field activities. With the school related struggles my son and I have this year, field day is a definite highpoint and much needed break.

However due to the frigid temperatures and rain--and very possibly, snow--field day was cancelled and rescheduled for Thursday which is also a scheduled vacation day for me.

So today I did some long past due work on my garden and my little farm. I weeded my herb garden, and the peas, planted more peas including some snap peas, I planted potatoes and I really hope we are hit with a bounty of potatoes this year! I planted some more spinach and cleaned up some spots where I plan to tuck some additional veggies, probably tomatoes.

As you can see, my chickens enjoyed my efforts! Within minutes of planting the peas, the chickens were pecking them up! No problem - I don't mind sharing but I did replant and then cover with some pieces of chicken wire I had around.

I covered the potatoes after placing a tire around each for protection. The blueberry bushes are also looking healthy. After all these years, I learned that two bushes are needed to survive! So here's hoping that in a few years, we'll be enjoying fruits from our bushes!

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Another cold day.

It is another cold day here in central PA and I'm not complaining. Just a few flurries but definitely cold enough to kill the fleas and ...