Sunday, October 10, 2010

Unseen Angels on One Old Goat's farm

When I am feeling bad and am endanger of retreating from the human race, I look toward the beauty I find at home. I'm lucky to have my church across the road from me so quite figuratively and literally - my church is my home. Many times when my instinct is to run and hide, I make myself go to church because my daughters love it and want me to be there. We were fortunate to have a couple of special songs sung today as part of the service. One in particular mentioned 'unseen Angels' and was sung by a church member who recently experienced the loss of a son and a brother. I don't know how she was able to get up and sing so beautifully and so strong. I think, perhaps, that this church member would be very surprised to know that today she was my Angel.

A motley crew.

  It is so true. When you have a dog, there is always someone happy to see you.  My cats are happy to see me as well - especially if I'm...