Saturday, October 15, 2011


The sun did appear today at One Old Goat Farm.  I was very pleased to see that there were still a wealth of colors to enjoy after the week of gray.

A barn kitty hiding in the morning glories;
Not sure what these berries are but they are a brilliant purple and the stocks are fuscia;

one of our pumpkins that actually has been made into a jack o'lantern'

at last some wind to ring the chimes - I'm pretty sure that I won't be so happy for the winds after a few weeks of it;
Morning Glory grows like kudzu around here;

Leslie the Goat - she really smiles!
Sebastian watching the geese fly south (not really, he is looking north);

The chickens are happy to be able to stroll around without getting wet;
Chestnut the Rooster and his friend helping themselves to feed;

Skanky-kitty enjoying the sunshine;

The beautiful faces of the nasturtium.

A motley crew.

  It is so true. When you have a dog, there is always someone happy to see you.  My cats are happy to see me as well - especially if I'm...