Saturday, March 24, 2012

Cage Queen (or things that I know now that I wish I knew then)

These days I find that my satisfaction comes from a cage well-cleaned.  I get paid to be an academic counselor - I volunteer my time (once a week) to clean dog cages from our local Pets Come First (formally the SPCA). 

Which do I value most?

I feel that my time is better spent cleaning the cages for ten dogs who have been dropped off lost, neglected, abused.  Today as I took nearly two hours to clean these dog-rooms, make their beds, fix them clean water bowls and feed them, I realized that I would rather make 10 dogs feel a little more loved, a little more comfortable than I would 'try' to cater to humans of my age who expect to purchase 'service' and 'education' according to their own whims and schedules.  You can't buy love and you can't buy education.  It just doesn't work.

I know that sometimes this blog is filled with 'not-so-happy' posts and that it should really be focused more on my farm.But........

Today as I was washing out water buckets for the residents of our doggy rooms, I heard a prospective adopter ask a potential adoptee if he would like to come live with them.

I cried.

This was a couple who came in looking for a dog.  And who found a dog (my daughter's favorite) a 'forever home'.   This was my first time witnessing such an event first hand.  I knew that the skinny boxer in room #9 was going to be adopted today and I was incredibly happy.  But I heard this firsthand.  Rudy was going to have a home.  By the time of my next cleaning, Rudy would be gone.  To his forever home. 

But then what about Boss?  Or Sadie and Riley?  What about these older dogs?  If I had the funds (and I'm working on this), I would open a home to adopt only geriatric dogs.  I've experience in this as most of the dogs I've owned have lived to ripe old ages.  Boss is a beautiful 12-year-old spaniel mix, Sadie and Riley are a 9-year-old beagle couple.  They deserve to be loved (and kept together) throughout their natural time on earth. 

People???? Not so much.  Maybe some day.  (Except for my mom and dad)

Dogs???? Always.  And I'm trying to figure out a way

Monday, March 19, 2012


My son and daughter made this the best day!
 Two of my favorite people, one of my favorite dogs, all in my most favorite place of all.  Life doesn't get much better than this!

Sebastian reluctantly climbing out of the creek after his umpteenth dip of the hike,
I don't often get my oldest son to go on hikes with me - today was a special treat!

The forest calms my soul.

Beauty everywhere I look.

And yet humans always have something to add.

I don't ever want to leave -

Friday, March 16, 2012

Back again.

It has been a while since I felt like writing. That is how depression affects some people - we pull back into ourselves away from everyone and everything. Socializing becomes exhausting. Trying to form words whether written or spoken can take more energy than running a marathon.  An introvert anyways, depression makes me want to fold up until I can't be seen.  This early spring has helped immensely.  There is nothing like a climb up a mountain with a really great kid and an energetic dog.    It seems that for a while anyway, the depression monster may be kept at bay.  Over the past few weeks, I felt its choking hold ebb slowly away.

I'm doing what I need to do. My daughter and I have been volunteering at a local animal rescue, I continue to run, and I make myself go out and be around other people.  It has helped.

So hopefully the words will come again.  Just like the sun and the happiness have returned.

Another cold day.

It is another cold day here in central PA and I'm not complaining. Just a few flurries but definitely cold enough to kill the fleas and ...