So I don't think I ever reported on the outcome of my daughters' and my race at Shepherds University WV. It was their very first 5K (that wasn't part of X-country). It was freakin' cold - 26 degrees to be exact. And we slept in a tent. I never thought I would get the girls awake at 5 am so that we could be at the race bright and early. Having had much experience of waiting for parking at races, I've learned over the years to get a really early start.
So we got up, didn't even start a campfire, jumped into the car and set off to the University. We arrived about 5:45. We, and one other runner, were there waiting for the wellness center to open and for the shuttles to run. Parking was not a worry- there were only 3 other cars in the lot.
I taught my girls that one advantage of being early (aside from the excellent parking spot) was there was no line for the restroom. So we got all of that taken care of, got our running shorts on and set off for the start which was several blocks away. We were thankful for this because we were able to build up warmth because it hadn't broken 30 degrees yet. It turned out to be an absolutely gorgeous fall day - perfect for running.
All went well - there was coffee at the bag check-in. There were a ton of runners but not so many that we felt suffocated. And then we were off. I ran the half-marathon - mainly because it started and ended at the same place that the girls race started/ended. I am so glad I did. I much prefer the half because I felt that I ran really hard but yet I was healthy enough to run the next day. It was an awesome race.
But my girls......their first race.......came in 2nd and 3rd!!!! Amazing! And now they are hooked. My runner girls and I will be racing in Virginia Beach in December. And in Disney in 2014, Virginia Beach again in March, and who knows where else.
It's a healthy addiction. And something to share.