Not what I wanted to have as a title but….. the next time some guys spits and it splashes on my toes, I’m going to crap on his feet. Literally. Since when is it nice or appropriate to spit? Has it always been this way? I am so tired of walking behind some guy as he hacks up a lung and then just spits. Without looking to see if someone might be behind him. Or beside him. Or if the wind is blowing. Whatever. I’m sick of walking on campus and stepping in spit all along the way. It is disgusting – disgusting sounding, smelling, looking.

The crap that gets yacked up? I don’t even want to know. But its ok, right? I can’t believe that people complain about kids wearing their pants down around their knees but I’ve never heard a word about all the nasty spitting that goes on. Seriously, tobacco juice on my feet? And it’s not just spitting from chewing tobacco. It is just plain spitting – just walking along and spitting. Or sitting and spitting. That is what handkerchiefs are for. Or spittoons……maybe we should bring back spittoons. Have one on every corner, by every entrance – since people don’t smoke and we no longer need as many butt receptacles. Whatever, but the hacking and spitting needs to stop!
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