Pappy Decker |
It has been an interesting week or so. The word of the decade I'm sure will be social-distancing. As an introvert, I'm not inconvenienced in the least.
It is unfortunate that the COVID 19 has become a pandemic. Seems to me that if things had been handled differently, we wouldn't be in the pickle we find ourselves to be in. I think everyone knows the downside to this and when I read this post in the future, I don't want to be reminded of all the obvious negativity of our current situation. I want to be able to read this and be able to think back to all the really good stuff that has come out of this.
For example, right now it feels as if the world is on the same page and fighting the same enemy. I'm seeing those who have, sharing with those who do not have. I'm seeing many companies stepping up and bending over backwards to keep their employees employed. I see businesses modify the delivery of their services and waive delivery fees, offer curbside delivery, and other little things that make a huge difference. Over the road truck drivers seem to be getting the positive recognition that they have long deserved. Medical workers, from nurses, to doctors, to aides, to custodial staff, are getting the recognition that they deserve. Cashiers in the grocery stores who, I'm sure, have their own families somehow manage to be pleasant.
Mrs. Bobbins |
Casper 'helping' |
I feel like a beautiful day outside means a little more right now. And the snow we are expecting tomorrow? I don't need to worry about having to drive in it because my employer allows me to work from home. It's interesting that jobs that before last week, didn't seem to be as effective in a virtual environment have turned out to be extremely effective. In fact, when we are permitted to work from our offices again, I will keep virtual meetings as an option in scheduling appointments.

I have a feeling, especially if this self-quarantine remains in effect for a longer period of time, that there will be a lot of people who look at life differently once we are ungrounded. I can't help but feel that God has decided that we all need a time-out. The hatred that has been spewing over the past several years has gotten out of control. From all fronts. We are fighting so much that I don't think many of us even remember what we are fighting about, let alone what we are fighting for.
God is still speaking. God is still in charge.