Week 2 of working from home. I don't mind this one bit. It is great to live in the country because I can go outside, walk in the woods, sit on the deck and never have to worry about running into anyone. If I get tired working at my computer, I can get up and let the dogs out or simply sit and look out my windows. I never get tired of the view. As my lovely assistants frame the differing views today: Mrs. Bobbins watching robins bathe themselves in the puddle across the road, Thimba watching as it begins to snow - disgusted, she jumped onto the bed to nap until a sunnier day; and finally, Mrs. Bobbins once again checking out the bigger, fluffier snowflakes. There is never a dull moment.

1 comment:
Good Morning, I am trying to catch up with friends this morning for a change of scenery to see what you all have been doing. You have a better view than I do looking outside my apartment window. I would love to be in the country, but my kids would veto that in a heart beat. I have the tv on for noise because I do not like quiet, but I am tired of being told how to live my life. I am smart enough to know what you have to do to stay safe and healthy. Have a great day. Hugs and prayers from your Missouri Friend Shirley
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