What a beautiful week it has been! These photos were from earlier this

week on one of my walks. The first photo shows the valley with a blanket of fog. Off to the left where you can't see, there was a barn that has stood since 1890 or so. It is now an Amish family's barn and home but years ago, it was the family farm of one of my friends from church. Anyhow, on Monday of this week, that barn burned to the ground. Thank God no humans or animals were injured but all the winter's hay is gone. It's interesting - in less than 24 hours all of the debris had been carried away and I am sure that there will be an Amish barn raising within the week.
The other barn photo was from another day. This is a farm that has 2 huge bulls with their little goat friend. Everytime I go past, that goat is hanging out with the bulls. So cute!