Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Busy summer

So much for keeping up with this blog! Seems like there is always something to do and for that, I am very grateful! We finally have rain - in fact, it has rained several times in the past week and a half.  My potato plants look beautiful and I'm really hoping that this year, I have a decent amount of potatoes. My tomatoes are looking strong and healthy as are my peppers and zucchini. I really hope that my pumpkins do well. Despite planting 4 pumpkin plants, it appears that only 1 is looking perky. 

When my mom passed away, I inherited her Jeep and unfortunately, its time has come and I will be trading it in. The jeep is a little big for me and even though I'm retired, I do a lot of driving short distances. I think now is the time to scale down to a smaller car. I had a little Suzuki that I can honestly say was my favorite care but sadly, they are no longer made. So on Friday, I will visiting some of the local car dealerships and instead of a vacation, I'll be buying a car. I'm happy that I am able to do so but sad because I really wanted to take my daughter to the beach!

Lots of quilting going on! I was asked to be co-president of the local quilt guild and of course, I said yes. I'm sure these next 2 years will be a learning experience! I've finished several projects including a red/white/blue quilt for my father-in-law. It doesn't meet the requirements for Quilts of Valor so it is simply a red/white/blue quilt which I think he will love. I made a throw quilt for a friend from church and I'm happy with how it turned out. I think my friends likes it! I quilted a printed panel for the 4th of July and am in the process of completing a dog quilt for someone else.  

I still need to make a quilt for my grandchild who is due in August. I already have the design and fabric so I'll get going on that this week. I have a Penn State quilt to make for my oldest grandson which will be the project immediately after the baby quilt. I'm hoping to enter a couple of my quilts in the Grange Fair in August.

Amazingly, I haven't complained about the weather yet but then we are only a week into summer. I'm sure the humidity will catch up with me soon and I'll grumble a bit.


Thursday, June 1, 2023

Nine fingers.

 A few weeks ago, I smashed the pinky finger on my right hand while moving a ball of cement. My last thought before the smashing was that I really should ask my husband for help. I smashed my finger to smithereens - splitting it open and breaking the top of my finger. I refused to look at it because I knew it was bad. I simply walked in and showed it to my husband who then jumped up and grabbed a washcloth to wrap around my hand. I knew I should probably go to urgent care but I also knew that there really wasn't anything to be done for it. So instead, I waited for my daughter-in-law (who is used to providing medical care for her horses and dogs) to come home from work so I could go over and have her bandage me up. I'm happy to say that it is healing nicely.

I've been playing the piano with only nine fingers that past few Sundays which has gone surprisingly well. I was surprised how I could play without that little pinky finger. However when I was practicing today, I decided to see how it felt to use all of fingers. It did not feel good. It hurt like heck so I'm back to playing a little short fingered.

On a more positive note, I have ordered just about everything needed for the baby shower. I'm sure I will remember something when we get a little closer. I'm really looking forward to the baby shower and to the birth of our new grandson in August! 

Still no rain but hopefully on Saturday. My tomato plants are looking very sad but they most often look this way at this point in June. My brussel sprouts look pretty health still as do my zucchini. My spinach would be doing great if the cat hadn't gone in and dug up the seeds.

Another cold day.

It is another cold day here in central PA and I'm not complaining. Just a few flurries but definitely cold enough to kill the fleas and ...