Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Busy summer

So much for keeping up with this blog! Seems like there is always something to do and for that, I am very grateful! We finally have rain - in fact, it has rained several times in the past week and a half.  My potato plants look beautiful and I'm really hoping that this year, I have a decent amount of potatoes. My tomatoes are looking strong and healthy as are my peppers and zucchini. I really hope that my pumpkins do well. Despite planting 4 pumpkin plants, it appears that only 1 is looking perky. 

When my mom passed away, I inherited her Jeep and unfortunately, its time has come and I will be trading it in. The jeep is a little big for me and even though I'm retired, I do a lot of driving short distances. I think now is the time to scale down to a smaller car. I had a little Suzuki that I can honestly say was my favorite care but sadly, they are no longer made. So on Friday, I will visiting some of the local car dealerships and instead of a vacation, I'll be buying a car. I'm happy that I am able to do so but sad because I really wanted to take my daughter to the beach!

Lots of quilting going on! I was asked to be co-president of the local quilt guild and of course, I said yes. I'm sure these next 2 years will be a learning experience! I've finished several projects including a red/white/blue quilt for my father-in-law. It doesn't meet the requirements for Quilts of Valor so it is simply a red/white/blue quilt which I think he will love. I made a throw quilt for a friend from church and I'm happy with how it turned out. I think my friends likes it! I quilted a printed panel for the 4th of July and am in the process of completing a dog quilt for someone else.  

I still need to make a quilt for my grandchild who is due in August. I already have the design and fabric so I'll get going on that this week. I have a Penn State quilt to make for my oldest grandson which will be the project immediately after the baby quilt. I'm hoping to enter a couple of my quilts in the Grange Fair in August.

Amazingly, I haven't complained about the weather yet but then we are only a week into summer. I'm sure the humidity will catch up with me soon and I'll grumble a bit.



Granny Sue said...

You are one busy lady...such beautiful quilts. The weather, well, God gave it to us to keep us on our toes, I think, and to give us something to talk about!

Snowbrush said...

I hope your grandchild is doing well.

You haven't posted in many months--are you okay?

Another cold day.

It is another cold day here in central PA and I'm not complaining. Just a few flurries but definitely cold enough to kill the fleas and ...