Sunday, June 23, 2024

I've melted.

Welp, we made it through the heatwave or as some people say, the beginning of summer.  I'm a cold weather girl so I'm not a huge fan of the heat and/or humidity. I think that I am in good company!  However, I am a huge fan of the flowers and other plants that flourish because of the heat and the rain. Today on my drive to work, I was behind a couple of Amish buggies so it was slow going. There really is no place to safely pass them on our windy road so I was just enjoying the view. The day lilies are out in full force! I also saw quite a few hollyhocks which I never noticed before. I guess I just wasn't going slow enough. I saw chicory, mullein, daisies, as well as some other flowering plants that were just gorgeous set against the greenery.

My garden is doing well. I've harvested exactly 7 strawberries from the plants I planted in April. Woohoo! I'm sure next year I'll have a much better turnout!


These are climbing roses that grow in a bush beside the road I've tried many times to start a new plant but no luck.

It has finally been warm enough that the chihuahuas don't need to climb under the quilts!

These are just some of the day lilies along my way.


1 comment:

Granny Sue said...

I told my hubby thT you would think this heat would render out some of my fat, but no such luck!
Loved the photos, especially the daylilies

Another cold day.

It is another cold day here in central PA and I'm not complaining. Just a few flurries but definitely cold enough to kill the fleas and ...