Such a beautiful day. The forecast that I saw yesterday made me think that it was going to be a day of thunderstorms but although we did have one pretty fierce storm, the rest of the day was dry and just pretty. I took this picture a few minutes ago because I absolutely love the colors. It rained enough today to make my garden happy. This year I planted 2 raised beds with strawberries and then 1 of beans and 1 of onions. All have done well. In the garden that I have by the creek, I planted 5 tomato plants, 2 Brussel sprouts, 2 green peppers, and 2 cucumbers. For a change, my cukes are doing well but my tomato plants aren't doing so hot. I think next year I will make 2 more raised beds for my tomatoes and the other things I like to grow. I don't hold out much hope for the Brussel sprouts which is sad because I love Brussel sprouts. Especially with bacon. Hopefully I'm wrong and will have a bumper crop of the darn things!

I volunteer with the local fire company helping with their bingo games, food sales, and other fundraising events. This morning at 6, we were selling sticky rolls. These are very, very
popular in the community. Yesterday, the fire company sold nearly 1000 of the rolls. They are a big deal! This was the weekend of the community yard sale which is why the fire company was taking advantage of the sticky roll fundraiser. I love helping out with these events - it is another way to meet people that I should have met a long, long time ago and it is a way to give back. I can honestly say that I have more friends now than I ever had. I would even say that I have more friends now that I did if you would add up all the people I could have called friend for the past 59 years!
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