The 4th of July at One Old Goat Farm was pretty low key. Low key, but fun! For the past several years, we've had a family badmitten tournament. All the kids are part of it~from youngest to oldest (me)~but this year was different. My oldest son Ryan had to work and wasn't able to participate. This year was also different because it was the first year in ages that my husband didn't have to work. Which is good thing, but also a bad thing. Not having to work 12 hours on 4th of July means that the bean harvest isn't as good as it has been in years past. But he was able to be part of the annual badmitten tourney for the first time. He l-o-s-t! Really though, we all win. How the tournament works is, everyone play everyone else. Each team can drop the birdy 3 times and the team who has batted the birdy back and forth the most times, wins. For the final round, we let Sebastian, my lab with a taste for badmitten birdies, participate. This adds a whole new twist to the game.
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