The good news is that the deck is secured, the skidloader has been removed. The sofa is still there which is probably a good thing because it makes it more likely that it will be taken to the transfer station immediately.
Other good news is that Dolly Llama and new horse, Buddy, have become pals as is evidenced by their nuzzling and sharing of secrets.
Buddy enjoyed his stroll through the field this afternoon although his newfound llama llove missed him terribly and stood by the fence looking very forlorn until he returned.

But Dolly llama wasn't the only animal pouting this afternoon. Bunny-chaser Sebastian and Firestarter Casper stared out the window watching Buddy and Haley ride away. Neither Sebastian or Casper felt particularly sad that Buddy left the farm for a bit but they were both quite miffed that they couldn't follow along.

But other than two disgruntled dogs and a lonely llama, things were good here at One Old Goat farm. Nothing fell, nothing broke, nothing burned, no fights, no tears: quite the opposite. Today was full of smiles and laughter and much happiness. The outlook for tomorrow is the same.
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