Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Let the Training Begin.......

What I hope the snow level is on race weekend . . .
What the ground will probably look like on race weekend. . .

Despite my dislike for schedules and training grids..... this morning I began (seriously) training for the Two Below Duo at the Warren County Winterfest on January 23rd and 24th. My main goal is not to embarrass my brother (who is a much better shooter, much faster biker, and much faster runner). Yet he knew what he was getting when he asked me to participate. I think he knew that I was the only person crazy enough to agree to be his partner. I’m spending New Year’s Eve with my brother and his family and it is sure to be full of fun activities (for Rob) such as changing the tires on my bike, giving me a crash course in compass/map reading, and a quick, snowy bike ride New Year’s morning.

What I will look like on race weekend!

I’m counting on my brother to be every bit as supportive at the end of the race as I know he will be at the beginning of the race (when he still believes there is hope for me). I’m not nervous about the running or about the clay-pigeon shooting – mainly because when it comes to shotguns, I am either right on target or totally off. I’m a bit nervous about the orienteering part because I have a bad habit of losing/forgetting my glasses and there is no way on this earth that I will be able to read the map without magnification. But I know that my brother will not lose me. Right? Rob?

I am very nervous about biking in the snow/ice/whatever is on the ground up in northern PA. The thought of crashing my bike is so unappealing. True, my hands will be frozen to the handles but still, falling is going to be painful. And then there is being around all of those competitors who, I am sure, are taking this way more seriously than I. I’m in it for the fun. I’m in it to see how much I can do in the snow and still make it to work the next day. I’m in it to see if I’m really as tough as I think I am.

I’m doing this to make up for the fact that I ditched my sister-in-law in a similar race (that was held in much nicer weather) and I need to save face. And Rob better not let me get lost, shot, biked over. . . . because I’ll tell our dad.

Another cold day.

It is another cold day here in central PA and I'm not complaining. Just a few flurries but definitely cold enough to kill the fleas and ...