My first quilt was a monstrosity that took 3 men and a boy to lift: a pinkish tumbling blocks quilt that once placed over the recipient, would cause him/or her to never move again. At least while under that quilt!
The quilt at the top of the page was a quilt made of 30s feedsack replicate fabrics for my Aunt Carol. I swapped the pinwheel blocks with quilters across the country and then set them in the garden border. I love this quilt and am glad that my mom now has it. It is a smallish quilt but the colors scream Spring. The next quilt is one that I made for my dad - with the pine trees - all the same, yet different - just like real pines. And a little cabin amongst it all. Just like my dad would have loved. The border fabric is made up of true maple leaf colors.
One Christmas when I didn't have money - less so than most Christmases - I made both of my parents a pillow. Again with the maple leaf square and the pine tree. And at the bottom, a cross stitch hanging for over their mantle commemorating the years they spent in our home.
One day I hope to track down and take pictures of all the quilts and wallhangings I've made over the years. Like all quilters, each quilt tells the story of who I was at the time. I rarely make dark quilts but I've always had a hankering to make a quilt of rich purples and blues set in true black. While my quilt tops are most often pieced by machine, all of the quilting is done by hand: partly because I don't have the skill to navigate a large quilt through the sewing machine and partly because when I handquilt, I put messages in my quilts and I enjoy the simply back-and-forth rocking of the needle. Right now I have several quilts in different stages of progress. Here in the midst of July, it seems totally feasible to not only have all of my quilts quilted and finished by the end of August, but to have a new autumn quilt cut, pieced, and in the hoop by the middle of September. The nice thing is that even if that autumn quilt is still in the hoop, it will still keep me warm on fall nights.
So yeah, I feel bad and sorry for mankind and myself a lot. But I realize that there is a ton of beauty out there, too.
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