Friday, February 1, 2013

And the winner is......

After several failed attempts to snap a really cute picture of one of my dogs holding a sign with the winner's name on it, I've decided just to post the winner (by using and then posting a picture of one of my pups on a day that they felt like holding still.

If Tucker would have cooperated, he would have said that comment #12 was chosen - Shanda!
 Blogger Shanda said...
Oh I can already see you are going to be fun to follow :) I have 5 doggies also :) 2 kitties add to the mix...all inside :)
Skanky kitty  would have said it too!

Leslie wouldn't have said anything.

Nor would the rooster, even though he is the most photogenic of the farm animals!

Shanda,  Please email me your address so that I can send you out some of my soap!


EvalinaMaria said...

Congratulations Shanda!!!

Shanda said...

Tucker can come too!! Lol!

Robyn said...

Congratulations Shanda!.. I love your furry ones! :) I have 7 dogs, all my furry kids. We had a host of chickens and a beautiful rooster but we had to give them away when my husband had his spine reconstructed in Nov. Hopefully when he's fully recovered we can get some new ones :)

Another cold day.

It is another cold day here in central PA and I'm not complaining. Just a few flurries but definitely cold enough to kill the fleas and ...