Saturday, January 26, 2013

A most wonderful day.

 What a great morning it was!  12 miles of mountain climbing, descending, trail running, road walking. . . it was great!  My brother and I participated in the Frozen Snot trail run near McElhattan PA.  Time-wise, he was faster.....because he ran the course.  I hiked it and ended up with some beautiful pictures and having met some great people.  I learned never to underestimate the steepness and height of Pennsylvania mountains. Wow!  Such gorgeous territory and so close to home!


Ronda Walker said...

12 miles???! I'm impressed. Glad you had a good time. Thanks for sharing the pics.

Monique (A Half-Baked Notion) said...

Wow... that spot is a breath of fresh air for the soul!


I love those pictures!!
I am working at getting back into shape to do longer walks--miss them!!but you are brave for doing it when it is so cold!!
and I too am sorry to hear about Dolly--she will always be in your heart though and that counts!
hugs, di and miss gracie

Shirley said...

Beth, your pictures are amazing. Thank you for sharing. I am sorry about Dolly. Hugs and Prayers from your New Missouri Friend.

Laurie said...

Wonderful pictures! Thanks for sharing. Trail runs in that had to be fun.

Robyn said...

Wow! What a wonderful day it must have been!

Fat Dormouse said...

It looks amazing...but cold! I love the name though..."Frozen Snot"! Ha!

Laurie said...

Hi Beth,

It's me again. I’ve nominated your blog for a Liebster Award. You can find the details in a post on my blog. If you choose to participate, please leave me a reply here so I don’t miss it. Can’t wait to read more about you!


Laurie said...

Hi Beth,

I’ve nominated your blog for a Liebster Award. You can find the details in a post on my blog. If you choose to participate, please leave me a reply here so I don’t miss it. Can’t wait to read more about you!


Another cold day.

It is another cold day here in central PA and I'm not complaining. Just a few flurries but definitely cold enough to kill the fleas and ...