Monday, January 21, 2013

One heartbreak too many.....

There comes a point when an old goat's heart has dealt with one too many losses.  I believe that I'm nearing that point. It seems as if Dolly Llama has come to the end of her life.  On the coldest day of the year but yet lying out in the field with her, it didn't feel cold at all.  I'm hoping and praying that tomorrow she will be up on her feet again, glaring at me the way she does......I would give anything to have that again.  I want to see her crooked little mouth, her gnarly teeth........ I love Dolly Llama - beyond comprehension.  I know that when you have a farm, you always deal with losing animals.  I know that. Unfortunately that is my weak spot as farmer.  But seriously? I thought that I would be passing Dolly down to my great-great-grandkids.  I never thought I would outlive Dolly Llama.

I don't want her to die.  I've given her warm molasses water in a turkey baster, I've scratched her back, given her medicine.  At one point, she was so ticked off at me that she tried to jump up.  I couldn't get her mad again.

I really don't want her to die.  Aside from my goats, Dolly was my first farm animal.  She's Clover's buddy.  What will Clover do without Dolly?  Everyone knows that a pony needs a pal.  The goats don't count because they are squirrely, will sneak away, and will not make good pony friends.

I really, really want to walk out tomorrow morning and see my Dolly good girl.  I want to know that animals go to heaven too.


Deb C said...

You are in my animal lover to another.

Laurie said...

Dolly is beautiful. I pray she survives to continue to bring you great joy.

Lesa said...

I believe love is always with us, even crabby, four-footed love. Peace.

Angela CG said...

I am so sorry to hear about Dolly Lama. I hope as well that when you walk out tomorrow you will see her up and moving about.

Shanda said...

I'm so sorry, and I hope and pray that you wake up to Dolly Lhama feeling better. The Bible says that heaven is so much more than we can imagine, perfect, streets of gold. God created man and He created beasts. Well, heaven wouldn't be perfect if my beloved animals were not there to greet me. No one can convince me when I look in my babies eyes that "animals don't have a soul". I refuse absolutely to believe otherwise. And well, when I get to heaven, if I'm wrong, by then, it'll be okay, but here on earth, my perfect heaven, includes my animals.

Anne-Lise at Rag, Tag, Bobtail said...

I do hope Dolly pulls through, it is always a heartbreak to lose an animal friend.
A big hug for you.

Bev said...

Oh I hope your girl is okay. Please let us know. My prayers are with you!


Ronda Walker said...

So sorry, I hope Dolly recovers

Kay said...

I'm so sorry. Losing animals is very hard on me too.

Fat Dormouse said...

Oh, yes! Having just met Dolly Llama it would be terrible not to see her again. Be strong and I will keep her and you in my prayers.

The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

I so understand what you are saying, and know the frustration of watching a farm animal go downhill.

I agree with Shanda... and if she does leave you hope you see her again looking her grumpy self!

Came around from The Grow Your Blog party.


Buttons Thoughts said...

Oh I am hoping things turn out well for Dolly Llama and you. I understand death on a farm and coming to the end of the line as far as dealing with it. I lost two calves this week. I understand and my heart goes out to you. HUGS B

Another cold day.

It is another cold day here in central PA and I'm not complaining. Just a few flurries but definitely cold enough to kill the fleas and ...