Friday, June 1, 2012

Just Cause.

No. I'm not running in honor of the cat. But in the honor of the guy in the background.  That's my dad, Joseph W. Arnold who went to be with God on May 22nd.  He took most of my heart with him.

My dad has a long, long military history - you can actually view his obituary here.  But I'm not dealing with his death. It is all surreal - I can't believe that my dad is not on this earth with me.  But what I am doing is running a marathon in his memory.  If 26.2 miles doesn't pound the grief out of me, nothing will.  And not only being a self-satisfying activity, this race is the United States Air Force Marathon and I am raising money to benefit the Fisher House Foundation.  We've probably all had someone close to us injured - whether physically or psychologically - by their deployments.  The Fisher House foundations provides housing for the families of these heroes.

If you can go to my webpage, you can donate money to help this cause.  There is also financial information about the foundation in case you have any doubts as to the legitimacy. 

So please consider donating - anything!  Yes, it is self-serving in that I do want to run this marathon but it is also serving the needs of our military families.

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