Sebastian was helping me - if only he had opposable thumbs. |

I got a lot done today: went into town for new running shoes for my daughter, ingredients for lasagna, a stop at the thrift shop for a skirt to be worn at musical this week in addition to cleaning out the goat mamas and their babies' stalls, making two frames for my squarefoot gardens, whipping up a batch of lavender/basil soap, sauce for the lasagna, making a pineapple upside-down cake for church dinner and practicing the piano for church tomorrow morning. I'm tired but I feel so good from keeping a few promises to myself. Tomorrow I will finish the goat door which is soooooo close to being totally knocked of its hinges.
Squarefoot garden frames. |
I've been thinking a lot about this blog and have been wondering if there will ever be a time that I will be able to ever teach
anyone anything! I've started this whole farm business without knowing a thing at all about livestock. And not only that, but I was born without a lick of common sense. Everything I do has been learned by either reading a book or watching someone else. So I want to share what I learned this morning.....this earth-shattering tidbit of knowledge that I gleaned this morning while cleaning goat stalls. I am proud of what I learned but yet I am nervous about sharing it - I'm afraid that people will automatically think that I am not worthy of being a farmer and that if I didn't know
this in what other areas am I lacking farm-wise??
Max was no help. |
But maybe there is someone else, someone who is starting for the bare minimum for whom this knowledge would make or break their continue pursuit of the farm life........I guess I'll take the risk. I'll share what I've learned and what I am so proud of...........here goes.......
Casper slept all afternoon. |
Tucker and Tipper fought over a strip of sunshine shining through the crack in the shutters. |
A pitchfork's large teeth make it so you can kind of rake the straw, sifting goat berries down to the wet straw. That way, you only have to scoop out the poop and wet stuff. You don't have to replace the straw every. single. day. This knowledge will save me
a lot of money.
I know, earth-shattering. I should write a manual :)
1 comment:
Well, I didn't know that! I love hearing about your farm and your animals. And the photos are cute :-)
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