Tuesday, June 27, 2023
Busy summer
Thursday, June 1, 2023
Nine fingers.
A few weeks ago, I smashed the pinky finger on my right hand while moving a ball of cement. My last thought before the smashing was that I really should ask my husband for help. I smashed my finger to smithereens - splitting it open and breaking the top of my finger. I refused to look at it because I knew it was bad. I simply walked in and showed it to my husband who then jumped up and grabbed a washcloth to wrap around my hand. I knew I should probably go to urgent care but I also knew that there really wasn't anything to be done for it. So instead, I waited for my daughter-in-law (who is used to providing medical care for her horses and dogs) to come home from work so I could go over and have her bandage me up. I'm happy to say that it is healing nicely.
I've been playing the piano with only nine fingers that past few Sundays which has gone surprisingly well. I was surprised how I could play without that little pinky finger. However when I was practicing today, I decided to see how it felt to use all of fingers. It did not feel good. It hurt like heck so I'm back to playing a little short fingered.
On a more positive note, I have ordered just about everything needed for the baby shower. I'm sure I will remember something when we get a little closer. I'm really looking forward to the baby shower and to the birth of our new grandson in August!
Still no rain but hopefully on Saturday. My tomato plants are looking very sad but they most often look this way at this point in June. My brussel sprouts look pretty health still as do my zucchini. My spinach would be doing great if the cat hadn't gone in and dug up the seeds.
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Girls and flowers.
One of the best things about retirement is being able to spontaneously do fun things. One afternoon, I met up with 2 of my daughters and we went for a walk around campus. Penn State campus is especially gorgeous in the spring both in sights and smells! We walked to the arboretum to view all the new plants and exhibits. The children's garden was just being planted which gave me hope that I wasn't too late with my garden. My daughters and I share a love for coffee - they like iced and I like my coffee hot no matter the weather. At a recent conference, I found a cute little coffee shop that offered a honey-lavender latte and it was delicious! I was very pleased that our local coffee shops both offer something similar. It is a treat that on my way to work at the library, I stop and pick up a latte :)
One thing that I am learning is how to say 'no'. It seems that once the word is out that you are retired, all sorts of opportunities present themselves. And I want to do every single one! Today I was asked if I would play the calliope during the parade at our antique tractor show since the usual player wasn't available. I had already committed myself to a meeting of our quilt guild on Friday during the time of the parade. Since I am just beginning the role of co-president and have NO idea of what I'm doing, I had to say no to the calliope. I hope I get the chance another time.
So many good, fun things to do! I'm happy - very, very happy!
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
My favorite view.
I can't believe I haven't written anything since January! I honestly thought that after retiring, I would have time for my blog (which I've always enjoyed). So much has happened since January - nothing major but all things that I have truly enjoyed! The photo above is my laundry on the line. This is one of my favorite things - even in the winter! There is nothing better than the smell of clean fresh air-dried sheets and nighties! Especially after a beautiful day working hard outside. One of my greatest joys has been able to sit on my deck late into the night just enjoying the sounds of the woods and the glow of my firepit.
There are so many things to be thankful for! Looking ahead for more days filled with pure joy!
Friday, January 20, 2023
It's January?
What a beautiful week it has been! These photos were from earlier this

week on one of my walks. The first photo shows the valley with a blanket of fog. Off to the left where you can't see, there was a barn that has stood since 1890 or so. It is now an Amish family's barn and home but years ago, it was the family farm of one of my friends from church. Anyhow, on Monday of this week, that barn burned to the ground. Thank God no humans or animals were injured but all the winter's hay is gone. It's interesting - in less than 24 hours all of the debris had been carried away and I am sure that there will be an Amish barn raising within the week.
The other barn photo was from another day. This is a farm that has 2 huge bulls with their little goat friend. Everytime I go past, that goat is hanging out with the bulls. So cute!
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
Grandma's cookie jar.
This cookie jar sat in my grandmother's pantry for as long as I remember. Grandma was a baker and grandpa loved to eat so I'm sure that the cookie jar was always well stocked with homemade cookies although I can't remember for sure.
After my grandmother passed, the cookie jar lived at my mother's house. I always had my eye on that jar because it reminded me of some fun times in my life. It also reminded me - for some odd reason - of the Raggedy Ann & Andy books I used to read. I've no idea the connection between the Raggedys and this beautiful cookie jar.
When my mom passed, I brought the cookie jar home with me. I put it safely in my cupboard where it wouldn't get broken. And where it couldn't be seen. Now that my mind isn't cluttered with work problems, I have time to think about other things. Other things such as why should this cookie jar that is beautiful and holds so many wonderful memories be hidden away. If it stays in the cupboard I can't enjoy it but if I bring it out and set it on my counter and fill it with yummy home baked cookies, there is a 50/50 chance that I may break it. But at least I will have enjoyed it!
So today I cleaned the cookie jar and filled it with snickerdoodles. It makes me happy to see it and it makes my husband happy to eat the cookies within! And now, I may go ready my Raggedy Ann & Andy books!
Friday, January 13, 2023
Retired and busy.
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Halloween table runner |
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Miniature Log Cabin |
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Goodnight Irene |
Buffalo Bills |
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Allietare by B.Hunter |
Among others, I've completed these quilts/wallhangings/tablerunner. Some of them have been in progress for many years. For instance, Allietare is a Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt from 2017 and I just put the last hand-quilting stitch in a mere 30 minutes ago. Now to bind and label it. The little red and white miniature log cabin is a wallhanging that i started 2 years ago. Although the photo is of the incomplete project, it has been quilted and bound. It's overall size is 14" x 14". The Buffalo Bills quilt only took about a week. It was for my secret Santa at work. She is a huge Bills fan and I was happy to make this for her.
The Halloween table runner is something I made for my daughter. I love Halloween and really enjoyed making this for her. The Goodnight Irene quilt is a totally scrappy quilt that I made for myself.
There are other quilts that I've finished recently and will post them soon. This includes an enormous Christmas quilt that I started back in 2015 or 2016 and is now bound and labeled.
In the past 3 weeks, we've had temperatures with windchills below 0, we've had temperatures above 60, we've had rain, we've had snow, and yesterday, we had a thunderstorm!
Another cold day.
It is another cold day here in central PA and I'm not complaining. Just a few flurries but definitely cold enough to kill the fleas and ...

My latest handquilting project approved by Mr. Wienie I'm participating in a great Grow Your Blog event by Vicki at 2 Bags Full . I ...
It is my cookie day for the Virtual Cookie Exchange! When Carol ( Just Let Me Quilt ) mentioned she was going to do the Virtual Co...