I've been feeling sad lately: definitely a blue mood has been hanging over me for a week or so. I guess it is a combination of many things: my favorite aunt died last summer and I'm still SO not over that-I dream about her constantly, my parents are noticeably aging before my eyes, my dad is undergoing radiation for prostate cancer and has become very, very unsteady on his feet, my daughters are entering adolescence and one is definitely exhibiting the signs, my relationship with my husband is not good. I could go on and on and on. I get this way sometimes. BUT this morning, when I was out feeding the horses, I noticed a movement in the goat pen. A BABY! There is nothing like a baby to change your outlook on life! I ran into the house to tell the kids - and they all came

barreling out! There were tears and smiles and hugs and cameras! We are a very sentimental family. My youngest son had tears in his eyes when he hugged me and told me how very, very happy he was! My oldest daughter cried on the phone when I told her! Such a little thing - but at least for a little while, we are all together enjoying a new life as we welcome this little being into our One Old Goat farm.
1 comment:
thanks for dropping by my blog. you have a lovely blog as well!
what a great surprise for you this morning! hope you have a great week.
cara mia
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