My ability to relate better to family first, then animals, really isn’t a reflection of how I feel about humanity. It is more my inability to process and respond to information quickly which really makes social interaction awkward. Add that to whatever part of my brain that fogs up when surrounded by the cacophony of human voices, and it makes me out to be a very unsocial person.
I love my family most of all. I love my dogs, my goats, my chickens, my pony, my cats.......I love the horses I've met over the past couple of weeks. But I realize that there is a lot of love among the human race. It is unfortunate that the mean and the ugly few are the ones who get noticed.
The Boston Marathon bombing struck especially close to home because I am a runner and I've participated in many, many races over the past 20 years. I know that the runners and all of the spectators are a good bunch. We are all there to celebrate our sport of running. If you have ever had the opportunity to participate in a race in which the spectators are every bit participants in the race as the runners, you'll understand. For instance, the Marine Corp marathon has spectators and supporters nearly the entire 26.2 miles. Another half marathon that I ran last fall, people had drinks set up at the end of their driveways out in the middle of no where. One guy had a couple of really cold cans of beer that runners could pour a little into a cup to get a quick, cold sip. Some families offered oranges and bananas. They didn't have to do that, they weren't registered volunteers, they were just nice people who did this 'just because'. In the Air Force marathon, I swear that everyone in the little town through which we ran was out cheering us on, ringing their cow bells and really creating a party atmosphere.
So these are the good people. These are among the people who were hurt on Monday. So many of them and so few of the worthless pieces of garbage like whomever set those bombs.
And you know what? I'll bet that those good people will be out at those races again this year. Because good always conquers evil. I don't care what anyone says.
So I've had a change of heart. I may not say it, I may get frustrated with the human race, but I do care. Very much.
Good Morning, We do have good people but unfortunately we don't hear about them as much. It seems as though the news media just wants to focus on the bad. The tragedy in Waco, Texas at the fertilizer plant last evening. I admire the people like you and your family that do run in the races. I have family that runs and the feeling of accomplishment when they have reach a certain goal. I pray for all of those that have been hurt and those who have lost love ones. Have a good day. Hugs and Prayers from Your Missouri Friend.
I understand your aversion to large groups of people and I've identified my problem as my own distraction by so many, so many stories, so many reactions, so many wonderful people to whom I would like to give attention and response. I really have a difficult time with groups of children (I love children!) because I want to pay close attention to each of them. I admire and deeply respect teachers for many reasons but especially because I know I'd never be able to do their work adequately. I'm pretty good one-to-one or even small groups and with people I already know. I can't believe I used to give lectures to hundreds, but then I could always focus on one person at a time in the audience. When a response is needed from me, especially when I don't have time to consider what I'm to say, I feel less comfortable.
I think you've seen a truth about people generally---there are vast numbers of good people compared to those few who are not. Over the years, having time for lots of observation, I think that most people, dealing with the everyday small or tragically large problems, are more courageous than we can guess. Sometimes we forget that we, all of us, can be, and generally are, generous and kind.
Hey, it's me again! Thanks for the comment about the lettuce. Let me know if you try it for your mom and if it works well. I have a blog friend with whom you might have something in common, especially today! She's listed as "nancy" on my comments for the story I wrote yesterday. If you click on her name, you'll be taken to her blog, Chickens and Fine China. (I never like to leave a live link on someone's comments, but hope it was ok to mention her. Delete is so, ok?)
I so understand what you mean. Its just sad that it takes a tragedy for people to really show their loving compassionate side which is why, like you Ive always enjoyed being aroind my animals more too.
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