I spent the weekend with my mom and daughter. It was a great time from beginning to end. An unexpected pleasure was an Airing of the Quilts in one little parks in Titusville. The weather was perfect for such and event and there was a perfect breeze to truly 'air' the quilts!
Sometimes we plan and plan and plan for the perfect weekend, the best trip ever or the vacation of a lifetime. Other times, the stars align in such a way that the perfect weekend is a surprise. And this was one of those weekends.
Yesterday was a day that you find in the transitional period between early fall and the heart of autumn There was a chill in the air but yet it was warm enough to sit on the porch and sip on a mug of coffee. That alone, makes the weekend notable.
By this time next weekend I'll be in Las Vegas. I have mixed feelings about this - looking forward to an informative conference with plenty of interesting sessions and networking with peers across the country. If only I didn't have to take an airplane.
This week will be spent finishing up my presentation, stocking up on food so that my son doesn't starve over the four days I will be away, and getting this packed in the smallest bag possible. I hope to get some sewing done. If the weather holds out on Saturday, maybe I'll have my own airing of the quilts.

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