Even when my garden isn't magazine perfect, it is still so beautiful! Even with weeds and sometimes dry, dead lives, my tomato plants and kale and lettuce and brussel sprouts and everything else, it is a source of amazement for me. My garden at the end of the summer never quite matches up with the garden I had envisioned at the start of the planting season. At the beginning, I had no trouble keeping up with the weeds. At the beginning, I always plan out the number of things I will plant. But at the end of the season - once again - my garden are is jammed full. With tomatoes I started from seed that I couldn't give away and just couldn't bear to throw away, with the extra pepper plant or brussel sprout plant that I didn't really need but the deal was for a 4-pack, with volunteers that grew as a surprise from last year's compost.
My garden is a beautiful mess. It is chaos and unstructured. There is a half-full fish pond in its midst along with my little greenhouse that currently has its own crop of weeds growing in it. But it is lovely. And to me, it is calming. And the tomatoes (the few that have ripened) are delicious! Next year, my garden may be a little more organized. I may draft a plan that only includes 3 tomato plants. I may grow cabbage at the side of the deck along with the hops that climb up the deck posts. I don't know. But however I plan it, my garden will look totally different when all is said and done. And I'll love it.

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