Here is my running partner (I'm not sure who that old woman is) -

And my other running partner -
So goodbye to January . . . to the frigid, middle of winter, cruel weather, to the sneaky masquerading as April which almost had us fooled, to the post-Christmas letdown as we headed back to work and to school.
Hello to February: a glimpse into spring; being within waving distance of the start of the warm months, to new life sprouting; to the seasons of eating from nature; re-watching Groundhog Dog; celebrating my dad's and brother's birthdays; not-so-much Valentine's Day but a day that is all about chocolate can't be all bad.
Hello to FebruaryBut I know that I will miss January. It is the month that seems at least half a year long while in it but in hindsight only lasted an instance. January is the month during which I don't feel too terribly guilty snuggling on the couch with a blanket, a good book, and a dog.
Good books, cozy blankets, warm dogs . . . everything that is good about January. I'll miss you, January. See you next year!
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