So I had a meeting with my youngest son's teacher. I was prepared. I had an outline of what I wanted to discuss (specifically the desk dumpings). I listened to hard rock music on the way to build up some fortitude. I made my husband attend the meeting figuring he would support me. And what did I do? I cried.
We started discussing strategies for helping my son remember his homework, how to stay focused on the task at hand, how to muster up the courage to participate in class everyday. Apparently today was a good day for him. He was engaged in the classroom, had his work done, his readings done - he was on track. I could tell by the way he looked when I pulled into the parking lot at his school.
The minute we started talking, I started crying. My husband just stared at me. He started flirting with the teacher!
Somehow I managed to pull myself together and finish the meeting. I genuinely believe that his teacher does support him. I don't approve of the desk dumping at all. But when we all sat at the table and my son spoke and listened, his teacher spoke and listened, I cried and sobbed, and my husband smiled and flirted,
I truly felt we were on the same page.
Time will tell. I don't think it is going to be an easy ride. But I think with the cards on the table, I will be able to help my son, my baby, get done what needs to be done and hopefully develop a plan that will ensure future success. And next time,
I'll take the horse.
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